What’s Wrong with this Picture?
Take a good look at this picture. The rider: suited up in the best gear money can buy. The passenger: no gear at all! He’s got a $200 Nolan lid, she gets the non-DOT compliant “novelty” helmet. He’s got a $240 pair of Alpinestars with injected armor for shin, ankle, calf, toe, and heel protection. She has a pair of ballet flats
Nobody gets to choose when they crash. The rider in this picture knows that. So why would he allow his passenger to be in such a risky situation?
Passengers are subject to the same risks as the rider. Hitting the road at 30 mph feels exactly the same if you’re holding the handlebars or not. Riding a motorcycle (especially in the warm weather) as a rider or passenger can be an enormous joy – but why unabashedly expose your friend, sibling or even your spouse to risk with no useful protection?
Riders: Don’t give your passenger a novelty helmet, especially if you know enough to have a proper full-face helmet for yourself. The word on the street is, they’ll appreciate your concern about their safety.
Respect your passenger and enjoy the ride together!